A Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) Jump-Start and a CAP Implementation Workshop will be held 22-24 September 2015, in Rome, Italy. These events will be hosted by the Fire Corps Academy of Italy, Istituto Superiore Antincendi (ISA). Persons interested in emergency alerting are welcome: managers, technical staff, media, etc., including governments, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and commercial organizations.
Participants will hear from the OASIS Emergency Management Technical Committee (EM TC) about efforts to seek consensus on how to code
those highest priority CAP alerts that should be sent immediately to all people in an affected area. This priority level of public alerting is known in the U.S. as an "imminent threat", in Canada as "broadcast immediate", and in China as a "red alert". Here it is especially important to converge on a common scheme for coding the type of event (e.g, tornado, tsunami, typhoon). OASIS will present at the Workshop the latest thinking on future enhancements to the CAP standard itself. The OASIS presentation will also touch on other standards pertinent to emergency management. Immediately after the CAP Workshop, the EM TC will have a meeting, with its usual call-in arrangements.
There is no charge to participate, as has been the case for all prior CAP Workshops.